Happy Halloween!

I was really hoping to get out and enjoy Halloween this year. Halloween is a great holiday to expose a new puppy to! Seeing all different people of all all different ages dressed is weird costumes and masks - the more a puppy can be exposed to when they are young the better! It will decrease the chances of them being fearful and reactive in the future. Unfortunately, mother nature is not in a good mood today. It is terribly cold out and taking Booker out and having him freezing and uncomfortable would be counter productive. And, since we live in a rural area, no trick or treaters visit us. So, a bit of a missed opportunity, but we will make sure we get out and about while he's still young, and introduce him to as many people and places as we can! We also had such a cool costume for Sisko! At least he was able to wear it at a fundraiser a few weeks ago. And yes, he did take home 1st place!!