Goodbye to 2024
I have been off work this week and feel incredibly lucky that the weather has been relatively good and much warmer than it normally is this time of year. We finished out 2024 with a 5 mile run this morning.
And because I am a numbers geek, I do track their mileage as well as my own. Here are 2024's totals:
SISKO: 748.98 (Running: 213.68; walking: 329.43 and hiking: 205.87)
BOOKER: 810.47 (Running: 300.63; walking: 308.91 and hiking: 200.93)
Pretty great, right. They actually have a few more miles each as I did not calculate their time ion the treadmill and some of the times that Marc took them for hikes around the trail on our land - I'll try to be more vigilant with that next year :)
The boys had a good year - Booker got to experience lots of firsts, like camping, climbing a mountain, running his first race and visiting another state. He learned how to swim, ate ice cream and became an expert in riding in the kayak. He met some baby chicks and made friends with new dogs.
He is getting a little bit calmer and more mature although he has a way to go! Cesar Millan says we don't get the dog we want, we get the dog we need. Apparently we needed a challenge! We last had a puppy in 2016 and that puppy was Sisko who, from the very beginning, was the easiest puppy to raise. He has always stuck right by us like glue and listens so well! He has always hated getting in trouble, so he rarely misbehaves. In other words, Booker is NOTHING like him!
Speaking of Sisko.... It has been obviously that he missed Archer as much as we did. While he got along well with Booker from the beginning, it seems to me like he kept his distance emotionally from Booker. I have noticed that changing only recently.
Booker has been great for him. Physically he is doing so well - he has always been physically active, but having a high energy puppy harassing him all the time has really been positive. FINGERS CROSSED his partially torn CCL seems to have healed - he has not limped at all, even when we have been running 10 miles!
This morning they were acting like they were both crazy puppies - growling, barking and wrestling over a toy. Sisko was actually even pestering Booker. For an 8 year old large breed dog, to see him actually have more energy has been amazing.
So we say goodbye to 2024 and hepe to have an even better 2025 filled with fun, cuddles and adventures!
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