Vacation is here!

 We plan our fall vacation around Columbus Day.  We typically rent a cabin in one of the Pennsylvania State Parks and, in some of the cabins, they allow dogs.  

It just so happens that this year, as we headed down, I had very mixed feelings.  Because I was very excited about Booker having this new adventure.  However, at the same time, this is the date we were headed back last year - the day that  Archer passed away. 

Things are so different this year.  We never expected Archer to be still with us last year and there was a lot of nervousness and debate about taking him - whether it would be too much for him.  What if something happened?  And, of course, we decided to bring him.  So there was packing our cart so that he could ride while we took walks.  When to leave him alone in the cabin.

And this year, instead we went with a very young dog who is still completely full of it.  So while I felt sad on one hand, I tried to just remember that Archer had a great week with us before he left and Booker was going to experience something awesome for the first time.

We packed up and headed on the long car ride.  Somehow the dogs always seem to know if we're going on a short trip where they are wound up and anxious and when we going for a long trip and they immediately settle down.  About halfway down, we stopped for a bathroom break and to get some coffee at Starbucks.  Of course, we had to get this dogs a Puppuchino!


  Then it was back on the road.  

We made it to the cabin, FINALLY, and unpacked.  The dogs were both nervous and didn't want to let us out of their sight.

We had time before dinner to take a walk around the campground.  

While we stayed in a cabin, there were people in other loops that were staying in RV's and campers - even a few brave souls in tents!

The dogs were wide-eyed and curious as we walked through the loops saying hello to people

It will be interesting to see how they handle this evening in a strange place - especially for Booker as there is not enough room in the bedroom for him to sleep next to us as he usually does!
