Boxers or chickens?

 Returning to work after vacation sucks, right?  I was swamped and stressed at work and my mood made worse as the weather has been cold, dark and rainy.  

I did manage to get the dogs out for a chilly run last night after work.  I am a fair weather (AKA wimpy) runner and would have preferred the treadmill and a baking show, but the boys made it clear they needed some exercise.

Tonight it was sunny and a little warmer and I suggested to Marc that a quick drive to a nearby village for a walk to check out Halloween decorations would be a great way to decompress on a Friday night.

So that's what we did.  Of course, not as many people decorate for Halloween as they do for Christmas, but there were still some spooky sights to see.  One family who lived close the the road had some decorations out and we paused to check them out.

These big bad Boxers were SO SCARED.
It was actually pretty funny.  

They were much happier to see real people out and were happy to say HI to them!
