A tired dog is a good dog

 Today I took the dogs over to run a trail.  I'm more of a road runner and usually end up falling and ending up bloodied whenever I try to run a technical trail.  But it was sunny and about 60 degrees.  That's not that warm but for short-nosed, big boned dogs like Sisko it sure is!

So a slow run in the woods was where it was at.

I came THISCLOSE to wiping out once but managed to get my feet under me before tumbling to the turf.

And - quite unintentionally - Booker swam for the first time.  It scared the crap out of both of us.  We were nearly done and there was a path down to the water where people go to fish.  We headed down and Sisko and I were standing on the rocks as Sisko was carefully looking for a place to wade in to take a drink and I heard a SPLASH!  I turned around and saw that Booker had fallen in and was completely submerged!  Before I could even run over to him, instinct took over and he surfaced and quickly paddled back to the sloped rock and easily climbed out.  I thought that it might have scared him but he was instead crazed and invigorated by the cold water.  I swear, this pup is going to be the death of me!

How do you know if your dog had a good run?  Not entirely sure...
