I have mentioned it before, but here is a video in practice.  I cannot stress how important it is to teach your dog the STOP command.  

It works for a variety of situations and can be followed by other commands as you will see, but the word STOP is a "hard" word meaning that it will, catch your dog's attention.


In this case you can see that the dogs are running down the beach and have gotten quite far from us.  In this case, there was nothing to worry about, but it is always good to practice commands when there are no distractions.  I followed STOP by telling them to come.  The STOP command catches their attention and brings their focus to me.  Then I tell them to come, which they know means to stop whatever they are doing and return to me.

Many people teach their dogs funny "tricks" like roll over or play dead - and there is nothing wrong with that.  However I prefer to focus on commands that mean something in the real world.

The STOP command could quite literally save your dog's life at some point.  They could be running towards something dangerous and just by yelling that word it stops them in their tracks.

I use STOP and wait for example when I open the front door.  While Sisko knows better, Booker is just learning and sometimes gets excited and will come running and try to dash out the door.  I yell STOP which will get his attention.  I follow that up with WAIT.  He will stand in the doorway even if the door is wide open and will not leave until I give him the "OKAY" command.

One of the easiest ways to teach stop is on a walk.  Walk with your dog briskly and then say STOP.  And stop walking.  Look straight ahead - not at your dog - and just stand there.  The dog typically will also stop walking and look up to you with a "what the hell?: look.  If he does this, reward!  

He should learn pretty quickly and then it's time to start adding in challenges - like telling him to STOP when there is a distraction or when he is off leash.  Even if you never plan to have your dog off leash outside, stuff happens - the collar breaks or slips off, you accidentally drop the leash - STOP could be something that prevents a horrible tragedy. 
