A week of learning

 Now that Booker is getting adjusted to being part of the family, it has been time to start training.  We're talking rules, boundaries and limitations as the great Cesar Millan talks about.

While some people teach their dogs "tricks" - and there's nothing wrong with that of course - we focus on teaching things that are functionally important.  In fact some of the things we teach could save their lives.

Take for example "stay".  We have started working on that immediately.  We don't use any physical fencing or electronic collars on our dogs.  Instead we train them from puppies where they are allowed to go.  For example, we have some bushes on our properties that they are not allowed to go beyond.  So when we go out to get the mail across the road they don't follow us across.  This pic was taken at the front of our driveway:

Booker is learning to stay pretty quick.  

This is in addition to other things Booker is learning like the basics: sit, lay down and drop it.  By far, his least favorite thing is drop it.  He is a typical puppy putting everything in his mouth!  Not only does he need to learn to drop things, but not to attempt to grab it back when we take it from him.  Training like this involves consistency and patience, patience and more patience.  Training should always involve treats and should be rewarding and fun.  Your puppy needs to trust and respect you, and yelling or getting angry during training will destroy both.

Booker is also learning his place in the pack.  Sisko is teaching him how to play and respect him.  He shares the toys, plays with him but makes sure he tells him when he overstepping, like biting too much when playing.
Speaking of Sisko, we got out on a nice run this morning.  I imagine he was happy to get out just the 2 of us!  He is a great running buddy and I hope in a few months Booker will join us!!
