
Nothing will break our stride

 I was sore this morning.  Maybe because I've been doing so many miles on the treadmill or maybe because I ran weird running in the snow yesterday.  Maybe both.  The dogs did not have that problem. I'm a member of a group on Facebook of runners and one person said that her dog runs and HIDES when she takes out her running sneakers.  Some dogs just aren't meant to be runners. Booker and Sisko started jumping up and down and running around in circles when they saw me put on my running clothes - and yes, they know the difference from my work clothes, my everyday clothes and my running clothes.  Don't ask me how. We did a fast and fund 4 miles.  It doesn't make running easier when you have cute butts to run behind! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jennifer Hudson Mosher (@jenhudsonmosher)

Keeping me honest

 I have been in mostly hibernation mode.  However, the weather wasn't bone chillingly cold today, and the dogs just STARED at me this morning, begging to do something. Research has shown that, on average, people with dogs get more exercise than people without dogs. No wonder.  If I was home alone, I probably would have warmed up our basement, and climbed on the treadmill while watching a movie.   I almost threw it in  though.  I put on my running sneakers and headed out the door bundled up and - FRICK - my road was covered with a thick layer of snow!!  I didn't even know that it snowed last night!  I turned to go back into the house and the dogs were looking at me like "What the hell woman?" So on went my trail running sneakers for better grip and I decided I could take it slow.  And it was SLOW.  Booker turned around several times wondering what my deal was but I didn't want to slip and fall.  I didn't plan to run more th...

So freaking adorable

  I periodically check the pet cam I have during the day. And this is what I saw today. I mean come on, can they be any cuter??!!

This is too cold for humans and canines!

  Adventures have been frustratingly hard to find so far in 2025. It has been bone chillingly cold outside. Personally I hate the cold and certainly short-haired dogs like Boxers are not meant to be out in this type of weather for any long periods. We did manage a quick walk this morning. I bundled the boys up in their coats and we took a walk while the sun was shining which made it a little more bearable. Entertaining dogs who are used to be very active when they can’t get in their normal exercise is incredibly challenging. I’d like to say that I’m a spectacular Dog Mom and do everything right, but that wouldn’t be honest. I admit to being frustrated when I come home after working all day, get in my own workout, and when I just want to sit down and relax and Booker is repeatedly running into me, nagging me to throw his toys, chasing the cats and getting into things. Sometimes I need to take a breath and think about it from his perspective and how he is just dealing ...

Goodbye to 2024

 I have been off work this week and feel incredibly lucky that the weather has been relatively good and much warmer than it normally is this time of year.  We finished out 2024 with a 5 mile run this morning. And because I am a numbers geek, I do track their mileage as well as my own.  Here are 2024's totals: SISKO:  748.98  (Running: 213.68; walking: 329.43 and hiking: 205.87) BOOKER: 810.47 (Running: 300.63; walking: 308.91 and hiking: 200.93)    Pretty great, right.  They actually have a few more miles each as I did not calculate their time ion the treadmill and some of the times that Marc took them for hikes around the trail on our land - I'll try to be more vigilant with that next year :)  The boys had a good year - Booker got to experience lots of firsts, like camping, climbing a mountain, running his first race and visiting another state.   He learned how to swim, ate ice cream and became an expert in riding in the kayak...

My sweet boy

 Tell me you love your Christmas gift from your aunt without saying that you love your gift!


 First thing I have to show you guys are these AWWWWSSSSOMME pants my nephew got me for Christmas. I mean seriously are they not the coolest thing ever?  You know those little kids who get obsessed with a certain clothing item - usually a costume - and they want to wear it every single day and their parents have to practically wrestle with them to get them to take it off to wash it?  That's going to be me - for real.   Speaking of washing.  I know that a lot of people use the time between Christmas and New Years to relax and recharge, but not me.  It's always a time for me to clean things out and start the next year fresh. But first, today is Boxing Day.  I don't even know what Boxing Day is but it seemed only logical to run with Boxers on this day! Then it was putting away Chritmas and starting to clean.   Since the boys got some new toys, I went through all their old ones.  There were a few that were ripped up and needed to be chu...