Goodbye 2023

Time to say goodbye to 2023! This was a hard year. If you've ever had to care for someone who is terminally ill, you know how draining it is. And certainly caring for a dog who is slowing fading away doesn't compare to caring for a very sick human, but it still took a toll on us. I would not trade one minute we had with Archer. He was a wonderful dog and the fact that he was able to live a relatively high quality of life right up until the end is such a blessing! But there was also a lot of stress and worry and, for what it's worth, cleaning up a lot of pee!! I don't think there is a day that has gone by since we lost him that I don't think about him and it is still painful. However, we had him in our lives for 13 years, and I try to remember the good times and not how much it hurts that he is no longer with us. So I am ready for the fresh start the New Year always brings. We closed out 2023 with a group hike at a local forest ...